Our sangha had the pleasure of participating in the Buddhist Global Relief fundraiser to help alleviate world hunger today. Buddhist Global Relief | Worldwide relief funded by a Buddhist organization Our local event was a walk at Look Park, and was a wonderful opportunity to focus on generosity (dana), and sending loving kindness to all in need. https://rivervalleyinsight.org/retreats-and-special-events/ Darla and I are pictured here enjoying the fall foliage in the park.
The Buddha emphasized the importance of generosity in freeing ourselves from suffering, and the positive mind states it engenders. “Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given.”
The practice of generosity is directly related to letting go into freedom. Giving serves as a practice to reduce our habitual clinging, and once the joy of giving is experienced, the pleasantness of the mind state can be seen as much more satisfactory than the desire to hold on. In addition, our generosity helps others while giving us more freedom.