This Moment is All We Have

By Kim Weeber. Mindfulness, Sati, is one of the key teachings of the Buddha. It’s one of the first things we hear about when we learn about Buddhism or meditation. Mindfulness is one of the Factors of Awakening, and is part of the Eightfold Path which can lead us to freedom from suffering. But how […]
What is True Freedom?

By Kim Weeber. Freedom. Independence or interdependence? Has anybody been reflecting on these concepts over the last few days? I have been visiting family in Pennsylvania where we watched the annual Fourth of July parade, followed by a delightful family picnic gathering. I could feel the stirrings of “patriotism” as people around me clapped for […]
The Change of Seasons

By Kim Weeber. The winter solstice is almost upon us, and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. It often seems like a shock to notice the darker days, feel the cold air and see the snow flakes when we have just been enjoying sunshine and longer days. It is always interesting to me how […]
Gratitude for the day

By Kim Weeber. Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday for many years. Focusing on the abundance in my life, instead of what is not going well is a prescription for being happier. So, yesterday I awoke with a feeling of gratitude and decided to start the day by sharing my happiness with my friends. I […]
Photography as Meditation Practice

By Kim Weeber. On Saturday, we held an outdoor photography retreat at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary. Now, you might think that this was about learning how to take better pictures. Of course, that is something that we would all like to be able to do. But, how is it to use photography as a mindfulness practice? […]
Practicing with Ease

We learn more easily in an environment where we feel safe, supported and at ease. And this includes the environment we set up for meditation. We can choose a posture which is relatively comfortable, and still allows us to be alert. Noticing body sensations which are already pleasant and relaxed can set the stage for […]
Reasons for Listening

by Devin (Practice Leader) Reasons for Listening We all know that hearing is one of the five senses gifted to us at birth, yes? Usually. Not always. There were quite a few deaf family members among my relatives as I grew up. My dad was one; he contracted measles in his teenage years and went […]
Frozen Buddha

By Devin (Practice Leader) I took this picture years ago, with a chuckle, in a moment of appreciating the equanimity of Buddha no matter what is happening. Coming across it again during our challenging midwinter cold, I thought about the teaching that one way of reaching equanimity is by viewing our thoughts the same way […]
The Joy of Generosity

Our sangha had the pleasure of participating in the Buddhist Global Relief fundraiser to help alleviate world hunger today. Buddhist Global Relief | Worldwide relief funded by a Buddhist organization Our local event was a walk at Look Park, and was a wonderful opportunity to focus on generosity (dana), and sending loving kindness to all […]
The Effects of Our Actions

by Cheryl Wilfong, Guest Blogger I bought a pale yellow datura in the spring. Since the summer was hot and dry, not much happened, but now that it’s cool and dry, the Georgia O’Keefe flower is blooming. I’ve grown the lavender daturas (a.k.a. jimsonweed) before and sworn off the thorny seed pod because next year, […]